In Land Surveying a benchmark is known as a survey marker with a precise vertical elevation. The term Benchmark is more commonly known as a point of reference in which things are measured against. We are aptly name Benchmark Geomatics for the quality of our work and our fast friendly service.
Legal Land Surveying is a combination of scientific techniques and a legal knowledge base used to properly identify and convey property boundaries and ownership of land. Through the use of specialized equipment land surveyors we can determine with great precision and accuracy the location of points on the earth relative to one another and relative to the earth’s itself.
The equipment and techniques used for Legal Land Surveying are also used for various other forms of surveying that Benchmark offers such as Construction Surveys, Topographic/Volume Surveys, UAV (drone) Surveys, and more.

Ortho Image derived from the 3D digital model

Ortho Image derived from the 3D digital model